The Gospel Project Unit 22:4 Jesus Healed a Blind Man

Today’s Bible Lesson is from John 9.

Our sin makes us unable to see the truth about God. Jesus came as a light in a dark world. He came to give us sight—true understanding of God and His kingdom. Those who trust in Jesus see who He is and worship Him.

Big Picture Question:

Why did God create people? God created people to worship Him, love Him, and show His glory.

Key Passage:

Isaiah 53:4-5- Surely he took up our pain and bore our suffering, yet we considered him punished by God, stricken by him, and afflicted.But he was pierced for our transgressions, he was crushed for our iniquities; the punishment that brought us peace was on him, and by his wounds we are healed.

Worship ideas that connect with today’s lesson:

Bible Story Lesson: 


Questions to discuss with your kids after watching the lesson:

Why was the man born blind? (so God’s works might be displayed in him, John 9:3)

How did Jesus heal the man? (Jesus mixed spit and dirt, put the mud on the man’s eyes, and told him to wash it off; John 9:6-7)

What did the religious leaders do to the healed man? (threw him out of the synagogue, John 9:34)

In what ways are we like the man born blind? Guide kids to consider what it means to be born in sin. Help them see that spiritual blindness prevents us from being able to pursue God on our own. Guide kids to discuss what it feels like to be in darkness. Point out both the fear of the dark that some have and also the practical limitations of doing things in the dark.

Why do you think Jesus calls Himself the Light of the world? Help them understand the ways in which Jesus “lights up” our life, such as helping us see and understand God’s truth, giving us joy, and helping us walk in obedience to God. Point out that, while it is difficult to o things in the dark, light helps us work.

How can we be given “spiritual sight”? Direct kids to think about the message of the gospel. Help them see that they cannot earn salvation, but it is given freely to those with faith in Jesus’ death and resurrection. Remind them that with salvation comes new life and the Holy Spirit’s help to love and obey God.

Take-away • Jesus gave sight to a man who was blind. In a similar way, Jesus gives us spiritual sight when we trust in Him. God forgives our sins and opens our eyes to see the truth of His Word. The Holy Spirit helps us love and obey God.