The day has finally arrived for Promiseland Children’s Ministry to re-open our regular classes! We are excited to worship together in-person! Join us this Sunday for a Promiseland Day Celebration!

What’s happening in September?  

This month in Promiseland Children’s Ministry, we will be taking a journey through the story of scripture by way of The Jesus Storybook Bible. This narrative is a powerful retelling of some of the major stories of the Bible in a vivid way that gives all hearers a clear picture that Jesus is the center of it all.You will read through the Family Reading Plan during the week, then we will come together to recap on Sunday and teach the next story. Whether you are joining us in person, or participating from your home, together we will fix our eyes on Jesus! You can find a copy of the reading plan attached to this email.We have a special gift for every Promiseland family, which includes a copy of The Jesus Storybook Bible. If you do not plan to attend service in person, please contact me and plan to stop by the office during the week to get your gift!

Key Passage (Memory Verse) for September: 

Eternal life means to know and experience you
    as the only true God,
    and to know and experience Jesus Christ,
    as the Son whom you have sent.

John 17:3 TPT

We want everyone to join us as we journey through the Story of Scripture in September! Here is the Family Reading Plan:

September Video Links:

Lesson from 9.27.20