Have you thought about how you want this new year, the start of this decade, to be different? Sometimes the hardest part is figuring out where to start. Let me help you out…

Start by reading the Bible!

It’s old, its big, it can be overwhelming… but it is worth investing every minute you spend in it! 
2019 was the year I really grew in my understanding of how God’s word, the Bible, is one big story. It all connects! It all points to Jesus being the Savior!

From the first page to the last, God is showing us His plan of redemption through Jesus Christ our Savior. He is redeeming His creation that was broken by sin (sin- our attempt to do it our way and choose for ourselves what is right and true instead of trusting in the one who is Truth). 

Why wouldn’t you want to read the greatest story ever told?! In my experience, it will change your life! 

Not only will it change your life, it will change the lives of everyone in the family. So don’t make the choice to read through the Bible by yourself! Read it as a family. Grow together as a family as you commit to exploring the living Word of God.

Need help figuring out how to do it? Below you will find several links to help you and your family read through the Bible in 2020.

The Bible App for Kids

The Chronological Bible Reading Plan- From The Gospel Project

One Year in the Bible- Family Reading Plan

The Olive Tree App

The Gospel Coalition- Read the Bible

Year of the Bible