November is typically a month of thankfulness. Thanksgiving, Friendsgiving, Thankful Parties, they allow us to take the time to reflect on all we have to be thankful for.

With the way 2020 has unfolded, you might be struggling to find the gratitude that often carries us through November. Instead of gratitude you might honestly feel tired, frustrated, warn out, and just “so over it.” We need more than ever to be brought back to the One that is Faithful and True, Unchanging and Trustworthy. We need to renew our mind in Christ and be reminded of why He is our greatest treasure and ultimate source of gratitude.

This month in Children’s Ministry, we have an opportunity to teach about the faithfulness of God and that no matter the situation, He keeps His promises! This month we will highlight 6 promises (covenants) God gives in scripture, and how those 6 promises shape the entire narrative of Scripture. We are excited to trek through The A-Maze-ing Story with you and your kids. We invite you to join in by utilizing the take home parent guides and/or the parent page on our Children’s Ministry website. This will allow you to connect with your kids and reinforce the truths we point out on Sunday.

Here is a look at our plan for Sundays in November:

Nov. 1- Creation, Fall, Promise (Genesis 1-3, 23; Psalm 139:13-14, Psalm 8) In the Beginning God created the world. Adam and Eve fail to obey God and peace is shattered. God sets in motion His plan to restore peace forever through Abraham. —–> Watch the video lesson here!

Nov. 8- Freedom, Covenant, Conquest (Exod 6:6-8, 15:2, 20:2-3; Deut 28, Deut 29:9) Israel is delivered from slavery in Egypt. God gives Israel a law to trust and to obey. Moses leads the people to a promise to obey God. Israel quickly forgets and rebels against that promise. —–> Watch the video lesson here!

Nov. 15- King, Worship, Temple (2 Samuel 7, Psalm 73:25-26) Israel asks and gets a King. King David loves God and teaches how to declare that God is Great with a sincere heart. God makes a promise to David to establish kingdom forever. The kings that followed lead people astray.

Nov. 22- Warnings, Exile, New Hope (Jeremiah 31:31-34, Ezekiel 36:26-30, Joel 2:28-29, Isaiah 53:1-13) Some kings lead the people of Israel to love idols and not trust God. They lose the land and become slaves to Assyria/Babylon. Prophets speak of consequences, but also of future HOPE.

Nov. 29- Birth, Life, Death, Resurrection, Hope (Luke 1-2, John 1, Acts 2:22-24, Rev 7:9, Hebrews 12:1-3) Jesus comes and fulfills the promises (from the past 4 Sundays). Jesus gives the church a mission to share the good news and make disciples. We await His return. We become part of the story.

You may read over that plan and think, “Isn’t that a little much for kids?” I want to encourage you to trust the vision I have for Children’s Ministry, which is to Inspire in them a faith they can grow into, not grow out of. The concepts may be big and we will cover a lot of ground, but the basic truths about God are simple, and the Holy Spirit can move in a young child the same as he can an adult. So would you join me in praying for God to move in BIG ways in the hearts of our kids?

Let’s begin November with a renewed sense of gratitude in God’s goodness, no matter what happens around us!

Grace and peace,

Samantha Andrade
Promiseland Children’s Minister
Katy Community Fellowship
“We will tell the coming generation the glorious deeds of the Lord and his might and the wonders that he has done. So that they should set their hope in God and not forget the works of God, but keep his commandments.” Psalm 78:4,7