The Gospel Project Unit 21:2 Jesus Taught at Nazareth

Today’s Bible Lesson is from Luke 4.

Jesus was about thirty years old when He began His earthly ministry. After John baptized Jesus in the Jordan River, Jesus was tempted in the desert. Jesus traveled to Jerusalem for the Passover. Then He headed north to Galilee. He went through the region of Samaria, stopping at Jacob’s well to talk to a Samaritan woman.

After, Jesus went to the town of Nazareth, where He had grown up. Nazareth was a small village in the hills between the Sea of Galilee and the 2 Mediterranean Sea. On the Sabbath day, Jesus went into the synagogue to teach. He read aloud the words of the prophet Isaiah. (See Isa. 61:1-2.) Jesus sat down. Everyone’s eyes were on Him as He explained, “Today as

you listen, this Scripture has been fulfilled.” Jesus was saying, It’s Me. The words Jesus read were coming true. Some people remembered Jesus from His youth. They asked, “Isn’t this Joseph’s son?”

Jesus knew their thoughts; Jesus had performed miracles in Capernaum, and the people wanted Jesus to do miracles in His hometown too. Jesus reminded them of two Old Testament accounts. Many widows lived in Israel when the prophet Elijah was there, but God sent Elijah to help a widow in another country. And Elisha likely encountered Israelites who had leprosy, but he healed Naaman the Syrian.

Jesus wanted the people to understand that His miracles were an act of grace—a gift. No one deserves God’s grace, so God may show grace to whomever He pleases—even Gentiles. The people were angry about that last part. They drove Jesus away, intending to kill Him, but Jesus escaped through the crowd.

As you teach, explain that Jesus came to give sight to the blind and to set the captives free. He came preaching good news to all the people groups. Finally, the Messiah had come! Jesus was God’s plan to save sinners.

Big Picture Question: What makes people special?

People are special because we are made in God’s image, as male and female, to know Him.

Key Passage: John 3:16- “For God so loved the world, that he gave his only son, that whoever believes in him, will not perish but have eternal life.”

Worship ideas that connect with today’s lesson:

Questions to discuss with your kids after watching the lesson: 

Where did Jesus grow up? (Nazareth, Luke 4:16)

From whose scroll did Jesus read? (the prophet Isaiah’s, Luke 4:17)

How did the people react to Jesus? (amazed and confused at first, then angry; Luke 4:22,28)

How do we know Jesus really is the Messiah? Guide kids to discuss the overwhelming evidence that Jesus is the Messiah. Remind them of all the prophecies that Jesus fulfilled, such as His birth in Bethlehem. Point out His power to heal people and remind them that God called Jesus His Son. Jesus’ claim in this story is well supported by other evidence.

What does it mean to accept Jesus rather than reject Him? Help kids see that when our faith is in Jesus, we are doing more than admitting that He is the Messiah, we are also saying that He is the Lord of our lives. When we believe in Jesus, we are saying that we want Him to guide and control our lives. We want to obey Him out of love and serve Him to glorify God.

What can we do if we know someone who rejects Jesus? Remind kids that we cannot save anyone. Our job when we believe the gospel is to teach other people about Jesus. Help kids understand that God is the One who saves people. Discuss the importance of prayer in leading others to Jesus. Make sure they know that we treat everyone with kindness and respect, even if they don’t yet believe the gospel. 

Take-away • Jesus taught that He is the Messiah. Jesus loves people and wants to see everyone rescued from sin. We cannot make people believe, but we can tell them the good news so they can believe and be saved.


Middles (PreK 4- K):

BIGS (1st-5th):