The Gospel Project Unit 22:3 Jesus Healed a Man on the Sabbath

Today’s Bible Lesson is from John 5.

Have you ever thought about how you would react if you had been in the crowd while Jesus was alive? How would you have responded if you witnessed him heal someone? Would you have cheered and rejoiced in the work of God displayed in Jesus? Or would you have questioned this Jesus man and been upset that he was going against the religious leaders?

This week’s story we get to see Jesus stepping out in the spotlight even more by proclaiming His identity as the Son of God. This upset a lot of people. We see the tension begin to rise as the religious leaders, who know the prophesies about the Messiah to come, reject the true Messiah.

Big Picture Question:

Why did God create people? God created people to worship Him, love Him, and show His glory.

Key Passage:

Isaiah 53:4-5- Surely he took up our pain and bore our suffering, yet we considered him punished by God, stricken by him, and afflicted.But he was pierced for our transgressions, he was crushed for our iniquities; the punishment that brought us peace was on him, and by his wounds we are healed.

Worship ideas that connect with today’s lesson:

Questions to discuss with your kids after watching the lesson:

Where was Jesus when He saw the man who could not walk? (at the pool called Bethesda in Jerusalem, John 5:2)

Why were the religious leaders upset at the man who had been healed? (He carried his mat on the Sabbath; John 5:10)

Who is Jesus’ Father? (God, John 5:17-18)

How are we similar to the man who could not walk? Guide kids to discuss the fact that we are helplessly trapped in sin. The Bible describes us as dead in sin. We need Jesus to rescue us and give us new life. Apart from Jesus’ complete work on the cross, we could not have salvation.

How can we gain salvation and healing from sin? Guide kids to think through the message of the gospel. Remind them that we are saved by grace through faith. We cannot earn salvation, but when we have faith that Jesus died for our sins and rose on the third day, God gives us salvation.

Why do you think Jesus told the man to stop sinning? Guide kids to see that the phrase “so that something worse doesn’t happen” is a reference to being separated from God after death. Help the kids see that no matter what physical ailment we may suffer with, we can all have eternal life and hope for the future. Jesus’ death and resurrection gives us that hope for eternity spent with God in a restored world.

Take Away • Jesus healed a man who could not walk. Jesus commanded the man to pick up his mat and walk, and the man immediately obeyed. Jesus gave him the command and the power to obey it.


Bible Lesson for Kids: