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The Emmaus Disciples


Luke 24


Jesus taught that all the Scriptures point to Him


Romans 10:9


Who saves us from our sin? Jesus saves us from sin.


On the day Jesus rose from the dead, two of His friends were walking down the road to a village called Emmaus (eh MAY uhs). They were talking about everything that had happened. As they talked, Jesus came up and began walking with them. Jesus’ friends did not know that the man was Jesus.

“What are you talking about?” Jesus asked. The friends stopped walking. They looked sad. One of them said, “Are You the only person who doesn’t know what has happened?”

The friends told Him about Jesus: Jesus had said and done many powerful things. The religious leaders had killed Him. They had hoped Jesus was the Messiah God had promised to send.

Of course, Jesus already knew everything they were telling Him. The friends explained that some of the women from their group went to Jesus’ tomb but it was empty.

They saw angels who told them Jesus is alive. “Don’t you believe what the prophets said?” Jesus asked. “They said this is what had to happen to the  Messiah.” Then, starting with the words Moses and all the prophets wrote long ago, Jesus helped His friends understand what God’s Word taught about Himself.

Jesus went to the village with the men and stayed with them. When they sat around a table to eat, Jesus took bread and thanked God for it. Then He broke the bread into pieces and gave it to them. Then the men knew! This was Jesus!

All of a sudden, Jesus disappeared. The friends said to each other, “Didn’t we feel warm inside when He was talking with us on the road and explaining God’s Word to us?”

Jesus’ friends went home right away. They found the others who had followed Jesus and told them what had happened. Jesus is alive!

Christ Connection: The whole Bible is about Jesus. All along, God had a plan to send His Son to rescue people from sin. No matter what part of the Bible we read, it all points to what Jesus did for us in His living, dying, and coming alive again.