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Jesus Appeared to the Disciples


Luke 24; John 20


Jesus appeared to His friends.


Romans 10:9


Who saves us from our sin? Jesus saves us from sin.


On the first day of the week, in the evening, Jesus’ friends met together in a house. They locked the doors because they were afraid. They didn’t want to be killed too. But now some of the friends were saying they had seen Jesus alive. Could it be true?

As the friends talked, Jesus came and stood right there with them. “Peace to  you!” He said.

Jesus’ friends were afraid! Was this really Jesus? Maybe they were seeing a ghost.

“Why are you afraid? It’s Me!” Jesus said. “Look at Me. Touch Me. A ghost does not have skin and bones, but I do. I am not a ghost.”

Jesus showed them His hands and His side. They saw where Jesus had been hurt. Now Jesus was alive! What good news! The friends laughed and danced and sang songs because they were so happy to see Jesus!

Jesus’ friends gave Jesus some fish to eat. Jesus talked to them and explained the Bible to them. “The Bible is about Me,” Jesus said. Then Jesus told them that they had a job to do. Jesus had died and was raised from the dead so that people could be forgiven for their sins. Jesus’ friends needed to tell other people to turn  away from sin and be forgiven.

“Peace to you!” Jesus said again. “God sent Me to earth. Now, I am sending you.” Then Jesus breathed on them and said, “Receive the Holy Spirit.” Jesus sent out His friends to tell all the people that He is alive.

Christ Connection: God made Jesus alive again! Jesus visited many people so  they would know He is alive. Jesus is still alive today. He wants us to tell others  this good news!