The Gospel Project- Unit 19:4- Jesus was dedicated

Today’s Bible Story Lesson is from Luke 2, Jesus was dedicated. This is important because of how it shows that God keeps His promises! Prophets had been prophesying about the coming Messiah, the Savior, for hundreds of years. This chapter in Luke shows us Jesus is the fulfillment of so many prophesies.

We see Mary and Joseph were being obedient to a law that God have His people way back in Exodus 20! We see that God had been preparing for this. God was very purposeful in the laws that He gave Israel. He chose to use the dedication of Jesus as the time to reveal to Simeon and Anna, that the Messiah had come!

It also shows us that Jesus came to be a Savior for ALL people. If we look at the people who encountered Jesus, the Shepherds, Simeon and Anna, then the maji, we see a picture of how God was preparing a way for all people, of every background, Jews and Gentile, to have salvation from sin! Jesus, the promised one,  came to be the Messiah, to save us from sin and brokenness. We can rejoice in that!

The world needs to hear that good news! I pray that as you read this story from the Bible, you will encounter the Savior! I pray that you will find ways to share Him with others this week.

Be sure to check out our Promiseland Children’s Ministry YouTube Channel for this week’s “Bible Story Time with Ms. Samantha.” I made one for Middles and one for BIGS. Subscribe so you don’t miss any new videos!

If you want to print out worksheets or any other resources to go along with this lesson, check out the Gospel Project website. 
I am praying that God will bless your Sunday Morning time together as a family.

Samantha Andrade
Promiseland Children’s Minister